This is an example of legal advice. For personalized advice, please visit the discrimination advice page.

According to your answers and current laws, this is not discrimination. But we advise you to double-check your case with a competent lawyer.

We are sorry that you had to go through this. Remember: you are not to blame for what happened. Please, share this incident with people you trust. It can be your family members, friends, or loved ones. If the unpleasant situation proceeds or worsens and turns into discrimination, do not wait to report it. Generally, legal signs of discrimination include: special treatment of a particular person;making a distinction in favor of or against a person;special treatment based on personal protected characteristics;no legitimate reasons for such treatment.Always remember that you have a right to feel safe, and there are always those willing to help you. Some organizations are ready to listen to you and advise you on how to handle discriminatory conduct. National Runaway Safeline is willing to sort out any problems you may have experienced at school.For assistance with resolving issues at school and filing a complaint, you may contact the OCR.If you experience discriminatory conduct, you may contact the hotlines from the list above for swift and qualified support. It is advisable to report discriminatory conduct to competent bodies as soon as possible. You can file a complaint with your school or school district. You may also file a Charge of Discrimination with the OCR (the Office of Civil Rights) or your State’s Department of Education. You may also refer your case to a lawyer who can help you take legal action against discrimination.
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