This is an example of legal advice. For personalized advice, please visit the harassment advice page.

This is harassment. But you are not alone: we’re here to help.

It is sad to hear that you had to go through this. Remember: you are not to blame for what happened and have the right to feel safe. First, we advise you to immediately share this incident with people you trust. It can be your family members, friends, or loved ones. You may also use the Games and Online Harassment Hotline for support. For help in case of sexual harassment and violence, contact RAINN. If you feel in danger, you may also contact the police. Please read the following advice on how you can protect yourself: try to stop communicating and having any interactions with a person who mistreats you;if the act of harassment occurred recently, take steps to document it. Gather all possible evidence of the harassment, if there is any. You should take screenshots of acts of harassment and save any messages, photos, or comments which insulted you;report the harassing activities to the website or on social media platforms;you may file a complaint with a court for public disclosure of private facts, defamation of character, and infliction of emotional distress;if you have received any psychological or emotional injury due to the harassment, you may sue your harasser for such injury in civil court. Medical reports would be severe evidence of psychological damage;it is essential to refer your case to a competent lawyer who can help you take legal action against the harassment;if your private photos were leaked, find the websites where these images have been shared and send them a notice to take pictures down. If you are a woman, you may also file a complaint with the National Commission of Women;it is always a good idea to boost your cybersecurity by using long passwords, never re-use passwords, inventing answers to security questions, and setting up two-factor authentication where possible.Always remember that you have a right to feel safe, and there are always those willing to help you.
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